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Illustration of people of various genders, ethnicities and abilities, and a dog

Online MS fatigue-management course

This online course will help you find ways to manage your MS fatigue and explain it to other people.

It's made up of 6 sessions that should take around 20 minutes each. In between the sessions are exercises for you to do, to help you think about your own fatigue.

The course works best if you leave at least three days in between each session to do the exercises. Bookmark this page so you can find it again easily.

Illustration of person holding their hand to their head, bubbles appear from head

Session 1: What is MS fatigue?

In the first session we look at

  • the definition of MS fatigue
  • why it's not like normal tiredness
  • primary and secondary fatigue
Illustration of person with clouds and stars around them touching their head

Session 2: Energy levels

This session works best if you've kept an activity diary for at least 3 days. We'll use it to look at:

  • ways to balance your energy levels
  • what makes a good night's sleep
Illustration of person wearing sweatband lifting weights

Session 3: Budgeting energy

This session works best if you've filled in a rest-activity-sleep planner for at least 3 days. We'll use it to explore:

  • exercise, nutrition and energy levels
  • making the most of your energy
Illustration split screen of person relaxed with clouds and then stressed

Session 4: Stress and MS fatigue

This session works best if you've filled in do-delegate-delete and priorities sheets. We'll use them to think about

  • coping with stress
  • unhelpful thoughts
Illustration of person stood one arm folded hed resting on other hand

Session 5: Putting unhelpful thoughts on trial

You'll need a pen and paper and your thought diary from session 4.

We'll use them to look at managing unhelpful thoughts.

Illustration of seated person with other person using a stick stood next to them

Session 6: Moving forward

We'll be reflecting on your thought challenge sheet in this session.

We'll also recap all the topics we've covered. And give you some tips to help you keep up the good work!

About the FACETS fatigue management course

This course is based on a programme developed by researchers at Bournemouth University and the Dorset MS Service at Poole Hospital, co-funded by us. It's called FACETs (Fatigue: Applying Cognitive behavioural and Energy effectiveness Techniques to life Style).

If you're a health professional who'd like support to deliver FACETS face-to-face, we can help.

Explore our FACETS course for health professionals