Chief Executive pay

We have really ambitious goals to improve the lives of people affected by MS. Our plan is that – by 2025 – we’ll be in the final stages of testing a range of treatments for everyone with MS. It’s vital that we attract and keep brilliant people to help us achieve those aims, and that’s reflected in our salaries.

How much our Chief Executive is paid

Our Chief Executive Nick Moberly is paid £151,500. Nick’s salary reflects his extensive experience as a former CEO at two large and complex hospital trusts.

We always publish figures related to our highest paid staff in our annual report and accounts.

How we set the CEO salary

Our Board of Trustees appoints the CEO, and so has responsibility for agreeing the broad framework for the CEO’s remuneration package (which is made up of salary and pension contributions).

The People Committee, which is a sub-committee of the Board and made up of trustees, then agrees the level of the salary within that framework. When Nick joined, our Chair of Trustees consulted with the Vice Chair and Treasurer as part of the recruitment process to discuss an appropriate salary, based on the benchmarking information. This was then approved by our People Committee.

Why we need competitive salaries

Nick’s salary is comparable with other CEO positions in the sector. It’s really important that our salaries remain competitive so we can recruit – and keep – the best people with the skills and experience to do the job well. If we reduced pay, it would save money, but we’d be out of step with other charities of a similar size.

During 2020, while some colleagues were on furlough leave, Nick and our Executive Directors donated 20% of their salaries to support the charity. This happened from the start of the scheme until the end of October.