Top tips for staying cool in the heat

Mon 02 July 2018

Thunderstorms gave us a brief break from record temperatures, but the mercury is rising again.

If you're dreading the return of the heatwave, you're not alone - over 60% of people with MS say their symptoms get worse in the heat.

Many of you have come up with original ways to keep cool in the heat - we've gathered together some of your top tips.

Combat heatwave havoc

Photo: an Elephant spraying water on itself

"I've been having cold baths, sleeping with a wet sheet over me and using my dog's cooling matt." (Nikky)

"We have two fans on, the kitchen window open, the conservatory doors open, a flask with squash and ice cubes. We are also using the dog's cool mat." (Susan)

"Keep your curtains closed until the sun is off the windows." (Steve)

"Put a cold flannel on your head or around your shoulders. Or both! I may just cover my entire body with cold flannels today." (Alice)

"Run the cold water from the tap over the insides of your wrists, works to cool down body!" (Laura)

Paddle power

photo: a Pug in a pool

“Pop your feet into water if you can. A kids' paddling pool, a washing-up bowl, anything in which you can put a couple of inches of water and your feet. It doesn't need to be cold, straight from the tap does the job just as well.” (Tony)

“My husband works from home, so was able to have a fan on himself all day, and a bowl of cold water under his desk to put his feet in. He said it helped.” (Linda)

Hats, socks and wrist bands

Photo: a teddy bear in a straw hat

“My best buy has been a ‘soaker’ hat. Brilliant way of staying cool in the hot weather. Get one! You will not regret it if you enjoy being out in the sunshine but wilt in the heat.” (Mike)

“I use cool wrist bands. You soak them with cold water, wring them out, store in the fridge. When you put them on, the cold damp keeps your core temperature down. I can't function in the heat without them.” (Lesley)

“Clothes (especially socks) soaked in cold water or put in the freezer.” (Trishna)

Ice, ice baby

Photo: a teddy bear in a straw hat

“Lots of lots of ice lollies. Tonnes of water (with ice). An ice bath.” (Hannah)

“I eat frozen grapes, ice lollies, ice cubes. I also have ice packs which I wrap in a tea towel.” (Lynne)

“Sitting in my living room with all the blinds closed, overhead ceiling fans and multiple other fans aimed directly at me, eating copious amounts of crushed ice.” (Sharron)

“Ice cubes or frozen peas on the back of your neck really can help cool things down. I was wilting on a hot plane and the stewardess brought me some ice and tissues, a big help.” (Anne)

Not-hot water bottle

a photo of a Cat drinking water from a hose

“I've used hot water bottles filled with ice-cold water for years.” (Julie)

“Put a refillable bottle of water in the freezer 20 minutes before you leave the house. Hand held fans are a heat saviour, loose clothing, change shoes at work if you can.” (Carla)

What are your top tips on keeping cool in the heat? Head to Facebook or Twitter and share your tips with us!

> Download our temperature and MS factsheet for more tips to help you stay cool in the heat