Why joining the Leaders by Experience programme just makes sense

Mon 01 August 2022

Our ambassador Trisha Bharadia tell us why she’s taking part in the Leaders by Experience programme

Why did you want to take part in the Leaders by Experience programme? 

When I first got into advocacy, I felt like I was learning "on the job" and didn't know where to go for support and advice, or how to improve the skills I needed to further my advocacy work and better support the community I was trying to help. Leaders by Experience will provide a platform that fills this gap. I'll not only be able to learn things from others, but also share my own expertise and experience so that others can benefit from what I've learned along the way. It will also aid the MS Society in building partnerships with advocates within the community who may not already be on the organisation's radar. 

Designing something in partnership with the community for which it's intended just makes sense.

Why do you think it is important to improve diversity in co-production?

The MS community is diverse and we need to ensure that the support and services that the MS Society provides is relevant and suitable for everyone. The only way to ensure this happens is to partner with all the voices that are representative of the MS community, not just certain sections. In doing this we can make sure that everyone affected by MS feels supported and considered in the MS Society's work.

Why do you believe co-production is so important?

Designing something in partnership with the community for which it's intended just makes sense. It means that the end solution will be more relevant, targeted, suitable and ultimately successful.