5 top tips for a successful Cake Break

Mon 20 February 2017

Cake Break is a fun, easy way to bring people together and raise funds for better treatments, services and information for everyone with MS.

You can bake homemade goodies, or pop to the supermarket for ready-made treats to share. Whether you’re a star baker, an expert faker or somewhere in between, you can take a Cake Break your way.

This year, Jane Marsh will be hosting her fifth Cake Break for us. She told us her secrets for a successful, stress-free day.

1. Plan ahead

I’m very lucky - as I’m retired I’ve got time to make most of my cakes. I make cakes I can freeze so I don’t have to do everything the day before.

A great favourite is my lemon drizzle cake – it’s good because you can also make it gluten free. It freezes well too!

Cake Break Jane

2. Don’t be afraid to fake it!

If this is your first Cake Break, don’t be daunted! If you don’t have time to bake cakes, just buy some.

You can produce a cake from a wrapper that’s every bit as good as a homemade one. People will still enjoy coming - it’s the social aspect of it and feeling they are doing some good.

3. Variety is key

Always try to have some savoury options as not everyone likes sweet things. It's good to have a gluten free option too.

Cakes on a kitchen work surface

4. Go al fresco

Weather permitting, I like to hold my Cake Break in the garden because people stay longer if they can sit in the sunshine.

I was lucky in 2016 because my Cake Break Saturday was a glorious day. We had tea, coffee, cake, cold drinks, books and a raffle. We had about 40 people and raised over £400, which was great!

5. Make it a team effort

I’ve got a good team of friends who always help. It’s important to get other people involved because it makes it a lot easier on the day.

I like to meet and greet people. Then my friends are on the tea stall ready to catch them when they pass by to give them tea and cakes.

Inspired to hold your own Cake Break? Register for your delicious fundraising pack today. You can also phone 0300 500 8084 or email [email protected].