New programme for leaders in our MS community

We're launching Leaders by Experience: A new co-designed lottery-funded programme to support people affected by MS who are community leaders.

We want to build a stronger, more resilient community by empowering more people with MS and their loved ones to play an active role in shaping our services.

So we've teamed up with colleagues, volunteers and experts by experience to design the Leaders by Experience programme.

What is a Leader by Experience?

leader by experience is someone who uses their lived experience to lead change by bringing people in our community together to create change.

You might be someone who already leads a group like The Black MS Foundation on Instagram or MS Together. Or someone like Trishna who advocates for our whole community as part of Asian MS. Or Accessible Rach who reaches our community through blogs or podcasts about life with progressive MS.

What is co-production?

People with MS and their loved ones are experts in their condition. So we work together to find solutions to the challenges people living with MS face. It’s only by involving our MS community in the planning, development and delivery of a project that we can be sure the end result will meet their needs.

Designing something in partnership with the community it's intended for just makes sense. It means that the end solution will be more relevant, targeted, suitable and ultimately successful.
Trisha Bharadia, MS Society Ambassador

When people living with MS are fully involved in every stage of a project, we call this co-production. Co-production sees members of staff and volunteers living with MS as equals. Recognising we all have different, but equally valuable, skills to bring to the table.

How will leaders by experience support our community?

Leaders will work together to create change for their communities and everyone with MS. They'll to share their skills and knowledge, collaborate and we'll all support each other’s work.

We’ll support our leaders to take part in our co-production training so they have all the knowledge, skills and confidence to become a co-production facilitator. This gives more people affected by MS a greater voice in shaping our national and regional services. So everyone gets the support they want and need.

Could you be a leader by experience?

Does this sound like you? Get in touch.

Find out more about Leaders by Experience