Tom Kerridge named as our new MS Society Ambassador

We’re excited to announce that Tom Kerridge has joined our team of MS Society Ambassadors.

Tom is a TV chef, restaurateur and campaigner. He’s spoken publicly about growing up with a father who had MS and the devastating impact it had on his family.

Long-term support

Tom’s supported us for many years. He’s raised funds through his gastropub, The Hand and Flowers and spoken about his experience of MS in the media. Tom also presented our BBC Lifeline Appeal last year.

Raising the profile of MS

While there’s now a range of treatments for relapsing remitting MS, there are very few for people with progressive MS. And they don’t work for everyone. But our Stop MS Appeal aims to find treatments that slow or stop disease progression for everyone living with MS.

Read more about treating progressive MS

Tom says “What the MS Society do is incredibly personal to me. I’ve seen the devastating effect MS can have on a person. I saw what my dad went through and how his mind and body were affected. It was heart-breaking. So, if my support can make a bit of difference for families, I’m all in."

Tom continues "You always have to have hope – it’s what drives progress. With a positive attitude you can honestly achieve so much, I really believe that. I trust the MS community to continue with the amazing work they do. And, one day, I hope there’ll be a cure.”

Nick Moberly, our Chief Executive, says “We’re delighted to announce Tom as our new Ambassador, following the wonderful support he’s given us over the years. We’re here for everyone affected by MS and our Ambassadors play a vital role supporting our work. Whether it’s raising vital funds, galvanising support for our campaigns, or driving research into new treatments. Our vision is a future where no one has to worry about their MS getting worse. Tom’s support will help us get even closer to making this a reality.”

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